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Changes Log: - Feb 01, 2004

Azureus now identifies itself via User-Agent in tracker http communications
Less flickering, on all platforms (tested on both windows and linux+GTK)
Azureus now responds as Server: Azureus in tracker http comms
Unwritten blocks in Pieces view shown in red
Prioritizing first piece of file(s) now optional in config
Confirmation on data deletion now optional in config
More intelligent announce url '&numwant=' handling
On tracker announce errors, retry interval now uses exponential backoff
Removed multi-port listening, as shared single port is far superior
More reliable .config and .torrent file writing
Tracker scraper now honors a 'flags: min_request_interval' response
Plugins can be initialised from freestanding (not just in .jar file)

Corrected bugs:

Problem with tracker not responding with "Connection: close" causing SSL session maintainance with HttpsURLConnection to stuff up and fail clients with "recv fail"
Fast resuming with Chinese directories: Bug #869749
System tray icon re-shown after explorer.exe crash (again)
Fix for potential memory leaks
Fix for stalled piece writing
Fix for .torrent file data not being fully written on shutdown
Fix for OutOfMemoryError in DiskManager: Bug #865553
Fix for 'Open a URL' downloading of .torrent file which contains white spaces: Bug #878990
Fix for Fast Resume with Chinese torrents: Bug #878015
Fix for excess thread creation when tracker does not support single-infohash scrapes
Fix for hash checking 0-byte files: Bug #853126
Fix for opening files via Files tab when using MoveOnComplete: Bugs #860822, #878795
Fix for 100% cpu usage after network disconnect/reconnect: Bugs #873957, #879498
Fix for downloaded blocks not being written to disk, due to write-thread stall under high load
Fix for various non-unicode torrent encoding issues regarding resume data

New Features:

Under Linux + GTK, added an option to setup a vertical offset to re-align graphics
SSL tracker client now gives option to import certificate rather than manually doing so via "keytool"
Start All Downloads option on tray icon
Support for trackers that do not return peerIDs on announce
Sharing - allows files/dirs/dir contents (recursive) to automatically have torrents created for them and torrents hosted
The shared resources will automatically have their torrents recalculated if they change (over Azureus restart)
Tracker allows number of peers returned to be limited
Experimental UDP tracker protocol (see Config->Tracker->Extensions). Azureus client/tracker supports this, as does the XBT tracker (
Tracker support for GZIP encoding
Tracker support for multiple pages
Tracker pages skinable by placing pages in %azhome%/web
Major extensions to plugin interfaces
Simple Swing based remote admin interface (over SSL+password auth) - email for details
Click on hash in general view to copy hash to clipboard
Quick Change of up speed by right-clicking on the up speed indicator
Download ici


Polo Masta
question, je gagne qqe chose à prendre azureus plutot qu'ABC?


Pecosbil a dit:
question, je gagne qqe chose à prendre azureus plutot qu'ABC?
ouais lol!

nan mais c question de gout et je crois vraiment que Azureux est meilleur!


heu ca peut paraitre con mais c koi ce prog, v chercher dans goolge :p


Fonctionne bien mieux que la chez moi :))


eLiXiR a dit:
heu ca peut paraitre con mais c koi ce prog, v chercher dans goolge :p
bittorent-like :)
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