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2.10.32 Version
This version is finally labeled final! thank you everyone for your support during the past months! (it doesn't mean I won't update the software anymore, it's just that the software is no more considered to be in beta stage).
Multi-language feature is now complete. The setup has been modified to display a choice of languages. Language can be changed again from the Appearance tab of the preferences window.
27 languages are already distributed along with this version and more are to come!
New languages can be added easily for future versions
Full ANSI, MBCS and Unicode support
A specific font can be associated to each language for total compatibility with every Windows version
Right To Left (RTL) compatible
Added support for RTL Messenger versions (like Hebrew). For example, the "Plus!" menu is not displayed as "!Plus" anymore.
Added internal settings to display any kind of font for in Plus! windows... this is supposed to be used only by language scripts but if you know the proper registry keys, you can have some fun

Complete support for MBCS-based chats. In decoded: all features of Plus! will work fine in a Japanese, Chinese or Greek version of Windows 95/98/Me (there was already no problem for Windows NT4/2000/XP as these operating systems are using Unicode).
New features to protect Messenger Plus! from buggy softwares installed on your computer, this means you shouldn't have to reinstall Messenger Plus! anymore to make it work all the time
If Messenger is started and no Plus! menu is visible, within 20 seconds a window will popup in the middle of your screen asking you what you want to do.
You can ask to repair the problem and restart Messenger. Messenger Plus! will be there this time
If you know that this problem occurs every time you reboot your computer, you can enable an option to allow Messenger Plus! to force its own loading (similar to the Force Load option of Messenger Plus! 1.42, except that it won't make your computer crash... hehe)
Note: keep in mind that this is not a bug of Messenger Plus!... this new feature has been developed to repair bugs of other softwares (drivers, anti-virus, ...). Most of you will never see this window, for those who do, I asked my graphic designer (GFD, we all love you!

to make the window look nice so that it's less frustrating to see it poping-up.
The "Pure Virtual Function Call" crash when exiting a chat window should be fixed.
PopMailClient registry value now accepts internet links... it's now executed as a shell command.
(!VER) tag added. It displays the version of Windows, Messenger and Messenger Plus!
New /text command. Use it to send a message without parsing (useful when you want to teach your contacts how to use a special tag or a command).
Added a little fix for people using a blank character at the beginning of their name. In the logs, you won't see the name beginning by a space anymore, it looks better that way.
Sound Commands have been fixed in several ways
anti-flood delay has been lowered down so that you can chain sound commands more quickly
sounds have been re-encoded to be played correctly by everyone
bug fixed in the code. With all these changes, much more people will be able to hear the sounds now.
More sounds have been added and the Sound Commands are not considered as being easter eggs anymore. Due to their popularity, a list of supported sounds can be found under the "Plus!\Send Command\Sounds" menu.
You can now send your own message with any Sound Command. If no message is specified, the default one is used (as it was done in the previous versions).
Deactivating "Auto line break" for chat logs works completely properly now.
Personalised Status can now be combined with Boss Protect and Station Lock modes.
No more unwanted log archiving when using several Messenger accounts to talk to the same people.
Auto-Update window now has a nice bitmap banner to make it more attractive.
Quick Text anti-flood delay has been lowered down.
Messenger 5 / Windows XP compatibility improved. It solves problems such as with Remote Assistance.
No more freeze when using the (!P) tag of QuickTexts unproperly
No more false "Registry Corrupted" message when restarting Windows 95/98/NT4. The encryption method for emails in the registry has been modified, which means that previously accumulated data about your contacts (like statistics for the Contact Manager or the Contact Sounds) will be lost, sorry.
Supposed to be entirely compatible with Windows Messenger 5 (final version, not beta).
Entirely compatible with Windows Server 2003.
I so can't wait to see the new Matrix movie!!! yeah, I know, that's not related to Messenger Plus!
Bug fixed that prevented Boss Protect and Station Lock shortcuts to work properly sometimes when running several Messengers at the same time.
Contact Sounds and Sound Commands are not played when your status is set to Busy or when you are in Boss Protect or Station Lock mode.
Fixed a bug that sometimes erased sign-in or sign-out sound for a contact. Also, the sound should be played correctly every time now.
Messenger windows do not seem to freeze for two or three seconds anymore when you exit Messenger
Improved hooking mechanism to avoid Messenger process to stay in memory after Messenger has been shutdown
Multi-format codes are not displayed anymore in the status notification area of your chat windows (in Messenger 5 only). They are also transformed correctly in system messages (such as "Goofy wants to send you this file...").
New feature: you can now add your own files to the Share button present in Instant Messaging windows. Just click on the button and select "Configure" to add up to 10 user-specific files.
/noicon bug fixed thanks to SLim Shady. It should work every time now (be sure your contacts have updated their version of Messenger Plus! else, they will see the emoticons)
Uninstaller really needed some improvements
All registry entries are removed
All files and directories (installed by Messenger Plus!) are deleted when the computer restarts
Uninstall windows have XP style when running in Windows XP
New command added: /nick ! no, you're not dreaming, at last you can change your name with a command (thank you Will!). You can also put multi-format tags in your name using this command, appropriate corrections are automatically done which is a great feature all by itself I think.
A new advanced feature has been added to the Personalised Status message. You can now specify up to 5 different messages that will be displayed. That's useless but funny. To specify new messages, begin a new line with "#". For more information consult my new FAQ page.
Fixed a bug that messed up the chat when a custom security warning too long was used. The text will now be truncated if necessary.
A special tag has been added to display the song currently playing in Winamp. You can use (!WAT) in your discussion and it's supposed to work for Winamp 2.x and Winamp 3.x.
Alright crew, it's weeeeeeeekend!