Congratulations and welcome to the Technical Beta!
Are you ready to crush your foes in mortal combat? The time for another PvP Tech Test is upon us, and you have been chosen to participate!
Several exciting new things will be on display during this test:
We know the ladies have been in demand, so we’re pleased to report that the women of Hyboria will be cracking skulls and slinging spells side by side with the menfolk!
The mysterious Herald of Xotli and powerful Priest of Mitra will also be available during this test. These have been some of our most-requested classes, and we know you’ll enjoy pitting them against friends and foes in epic combat!
This test will feature your choice of Capture the Flag or Annihilation PvP minigames, providing two separate ways to destroy your enemies (or friends!).
It will take place on Sunday, 2 March 2008 at 18:00 GMT, and run for about three hours (for what that means in your local time zone, click here).
You’ll need to setup your account and download and install the client from the account page here:
To do this you will need to enter your unique beta key:
Also further information is available at the Beta Forums, we will use these forums to notify you of any changes to the test and also about future tests so please check them regularly. An account will be created for you there once you registered your beta account.
We strongly encourage you to participate, as these tests provide us critical data that will ensure a successful launch. We know you’re giving us your free time to participate and we appreciate it tremendously. There is no Age of Conan without you!