Axie Infinity


Je suis plus vos conneries ouais :D


Bon, va falloir qu'on définisse des règles dans cette section crypto
4 interventions en 2 jours sur 2 sujets différents. C'est historique pour moi
Merci Kim :cool:


dans le genre pas amusant mais hyper rentable y'a cryptomines
mais bon, ça prend 5 minutes par jour en même temps
suis dessus depusi pas longtemps et effectivmeent le roi est assez rapide. 20% en 3 jours de mon côté. Après, j'ai mis une somme ridicule plus pour tester qu'autre chose.
Y'a un systeme spécial qui fait que le prix à l'instant t est adossé au prix du dollar mais reste l'inconnue de la fluctuation du token lui même. Pour le moment c pump pump pump donc totu benef
Ca marche comment ? :pC'est un peux comme Ogame ?


dans le genre pas amusant mais hyper rentable y'a cryptomines
mais bon, ça prend 5 minutes par jour en même temps
suis dessus depusi pas longtemps et effectivmeent le roi est assez rapide. 20% en 3 jours de mon côté. Après, j'ai mis une somme ridicule plus pour tester qu'autre chose.
Y'a un systeme spécial qui fait que le prix à l'instant t est adossé au prix du dollar mais reste l'inconnue de la fluctuation du token lui même. Pour le moment c pump pump pump donc totu benef

euh et quand on veut aller sur le site j'ai :

Ce site est bloqué à cause d'un risque de menace qui a été détecté par les chercheurs en sécurité de Cisco Umbrella.


yes je vois... je me trompe de pc où la sécu est plus élevée ;)


ste timing de malade, je poste le ponzi et le jour même ça s'écroule.
dsl les gars :confused:
Sur leur discord.
Important Announcement: Please read carefully Lately in our community there have been moments of "panic and fear " due to the events occurred in the price of $ETERNAL which has caused loss of confidence in the project due to the bad image that this has caused in the community. As we explained yesterday, we as developers do not have much involvement in the value of the token as this is dictated by the free market of the community, but we do have a responsibility to inform you what is going to happen in the future with the CryptoMines project. Having said that, we have an important announcement to make today, which we believe is necessary in order to calm the sense of uncertainty surrounding the project. We have been asked on multiple occasions what will happen with our Roadmap post 2022, here is a small preview of what we have in store for the future of CryptoMines: Event Roadmap: - December 2nd, Article on Medium explaining all the changes, ideas, and progress of the project. - December 10th (or before), community event with some of our community ambassadors to talk about the announced changes and the future of CryptoMines. In addition to the above, we leave you a small spoiler of the topics that will be touched this December 02 in our Medium article: - Changes in the economic model of monetization for developers: We have in mind a change that will allow developers to continue doing their work without generating fear of holders because we are currently the biggest holders of $ETERNAL. - Lands in the Metaverse: We would like to announce that we are working on a land system! - Raid Lootbox: You will finally be able to open your box! - Eternal Box: New box with cosmetic items and other small improvements. - PVP: Announcements regarding PvP and our opinion of its implementation due to the circumstances in the Binance Smart Chain. - P2P Trading: We have solutions for the problems of scams in P2P trades. We know that many users due to the slowness of the Marketplace prefer to use these methods, we are working to make your P2P trades safer than ever. - Voting Power: We are creating a system where users can have voting power for the upcoming features to be implemented. We would also like to remind you that the reward pool is still healthy and our Oracle system is working, the rewards are independent of the $ETERNAL price and are still the same at USDT value.


Du monde encore sur Axie ? ca donne quoi ?