B.O.T.S. un jeu "a la everware", Viendez!

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bon, dja 17000, personne ne trouve le calcul ??


Mon nom c'est botubot, heu dans les level 30.

Pour répondre à propos de l'inventaire, tu ne peut stocker qu'un seul objet à la fois, si tu veux t'en separer, tu dois soit le vendre, ou bien le donner. Attention que si tu achetes des bottes par exemple, et que tu en as déjà, tu dois d'abord te séparer de tes anciennes.

Au fait, je me suis acheté un objet blanc aujourd'hui, il me donne +2 en dex et +3 en force :)

titjuu vous montez vite, rhaaa pourquoi je bosse !!!

pour me payer le coffret Indiana Jones,...ok.


surtout aller voir souvent le showroom car les armes change souvent parfois y a de vrai affaires, a faire ! lol


Ancienne LV
defbond a dit:
bon, dja 17000, personne ne trouve le calcul ??
moi level 30...
tu dois payer 30 000 kudos pour m'embaucher...
(la j'ai 10 000 kudos... ca pourra aider a en recruter un...)


bon ben je vais commencer par les plus bas level alors


Ancienne LV
Botumys a dit:
Mon nom c'est botubot, heu dans les level 30.

Pour répondre à propos de l'inventaire, tu ne peut stocker qu'un seul objet à la fois, si tu veux t'en separer, tu dois soit le vendre, ou bien le donner. Attention que si tu achetes des bottes par exemple, et que tu en as déjà, tu dois d'abord te séparer de tes anciennes.

Au fait, je me suis acheté un objet blanc aujourd'hui, il me donne +2 en dex et +3 en force :)
c'est trop faible ca :?, spas assez je trouve...


Ancienne LV
defbond a dit:
bon ben je vais commencer par les plus bas level alors
add moi first, je bat regulierement mes ennemis...
et met toi en hostile face a un clan comme ca on gagne un max de tune et de xp...
(et pi moi je m'amene avec 10 000 kudos hein ^^)


Aznatric a dit:
Botumys a dit:
Mon nom c'est botubot, heu dans les level 30.

Pour répondre à propos de l'inventaire, tu ne peut stocker qu'un seul objet à la fois, si tu veux t'en separer, tu dois soit le vendre, ou bien le donner. Attention que si tu achetes des bottes par exemple, et que tu en as déjà, tu dois d'abord te séparer de tes anciennes.

Au fait, je me suis acheté un objet blanc aujourd'hui, il me donne +2 en dex et +3 en force :)
c'est trop faible ca :?, spas assez je trouve...
Bha, entre ça et rien, je préfere ça.








[ session ]

cl sc c'est quoi ?


What is jans index?
Jans index is a way to rank clans. The exact formula is:
jans index = (clanscore+100) * ((wins+losses/3)/(losses+wins/3+1)) * avglvl / 100

So what about those clans?
Clans are teams, which hope to fight together for a cause, for instance, haunting those pesky Irish Assassins.

I want to start one! Good plan?
Probably not. There are already 120 at the time of this writing, so who needs more clans? If you are member of a clan, you need to leave it before you can start your own, of course. By the way, the price for starting a clan is 100000 kudos.

100000 kudos? Why so much?
It's rather cheap I think, actually. I put a price on it to prevent every n00b from starting their own clan.

I got an invitation to join a clan... Now what?
Depends. If you like the clan for what they represent or if you like their ranking or whatever, by all means, join them. There are advantages as well as disadvantages.

I like advantages, what are they?
Ask about diplomacy first.

Uhm... sure. What is this diplomacy thing?
Good question. Not all clans get along, that's why I've implemented the diplomacy thing. Setting the diplomatic relations toward other clans not only lets you express how you feel about those bastards, but it also affects the amount of experience you gain when fighting a member of the other clan. You can only set the diplomacy for a maximum of 3 other clans and you can only choose between hostile or friendly. Default is neutral. The relation between clans depends on both their diplomatic settings. For instance, 2xhostile=war, 2xfriendly=alliance, hostile+friendly=neutral. Diplomacy is a form of strategy. If a strong clan is hostile toward your clan, you might consider setting your diplomacy to friendly to discourage a serious beating.
You can not change diplomacy twice in 6 hours.

How exactly do the diplomatic settings affect experience?
-50 %

-25 %

0 %

+25 %

+50 %

Apart from that, the clan has to consist of at least 3 people to get the diplomacy bonus.

I've looked at the clan toplist. How does a clan get points?
If a clan member beats a bot which is in a hostile clan, the clan receives 1 point. The score for beating a bot of a clan which is at war with this clan, is 2 points.
Also with clan points is the rule that the clan has to consist of at least 3 people.
To beat a bot from a friendly or allied clan results in 1 (friendly) or 2 (allied) points being subtracted from the clan score.

I see I can also challenge lower levels of a clan at war. Isn't that unfair?
Whoever said war is fair? There is a huge bonus for being at war so a few risks are logical. War is war and in war, people are not so strict about age, race and level. If you are at war, you can attack bots who are 20% lower than you. You will not get the full 2 clan points, but either 1 point for bots who are less than 10% within your level or 0 points for lower levels. There is also a cash penalty. You will only get half of the normal loot. If the lower level bot wins, though, he will get the normal amount of kudos. And there is also a penalty in experience points for attacking a lower level. You will get 0-100% of normal war-xp, depending on the level of the opponent.

I'm attacking a weakling from a warring clan, but I don't see an increase in clanscore. Huh?
To prevent milking crappy bots, you don't get clanscore for someone with a ratio of less than 0.1.

Okay, I guess those are the advantages and disadvantages. Any more disadvantages?
Yes. You don't get any gains (xp or money) from fighting a member of your own clan. And the bigger your clan, the less targets there will be for you.

Once I join a clan, will I be able to one day form my own clan?
Yes, you can leave your clan any time you want.

I have got my own clan, but no friends. What now?
You can invite people to your clan who are not in a clan yet. However, it costs money to send invitations, 100*level. So if you want to invite a level 50, it will cost you 5000 kudos. These costs are deducted from the clan treasure.

I can't invite all clanless bastards. Why is that?
Because not all clanless people want to be bothered by dozens of bastard clan leaders, spamming their mailboxes with invitations. For those sensible people, there is a toggle option in the workshop to prevent invitations being sent to them.

Hmm, I better start bothering n00bs then, the moment they log in.
Yeah, or not. The minimum level requirement to join a clan is level 20.

Damn this clan sucks. How do I quit it?
If you're a regular member, click the ''Quit clan'' button on the clan page. If you're a leader, go to ''clan members and invitation'', resign as leader, and then press the ''Quit clan'' button.

I do get to keep my clanscore when I leave my clan, right?
Wrong. You got the points for the clan, so since you are not with that clan anymore, you lose that score. The score is also deducted from the clan's total score.

On the Clans Finance page you talk about treasure and tax. What is the clan tax?
Every clan has a daily tax to pay. The amount of tax depends on the size of the clan and the levels of its members. The main reason for this tax is to prevent small and inactive clans.

Does the clan treasure have to do with it?
Yes. The clan tax is deducted from the clan treasure. People in the clan contribute to their treasure and must see to it, that there is enough money in the treasure. There are no specific rules about who should contribute. That's a matter of internal clan management.
The costs, needed to send invitations, are also taken from the clan treasure. All finances are logged in the clan journal, so every can see how the clan is managed.


Ancienne LV
ok donc c'est level*100...
moi ca fait donc 30*100= 3000, recrut moi :D


arrete d evoluer alors aznar, sinon je n y arriverai jamais, je suis a 20000 mais c dur de trouver des gars qui on encore du fric :S



3200 pour moi ! wakkan


Ancienne LV
defbond a dit:
arrete d evoluer alors aznar, sinon je n y arriverai jamais, je suis a 20000 mais c dur de trouver des gars qui on encore du fric :S
add moi au clan, j'ai 11000kudos... je les foutrais dans la caisse commune...


NOTE: inviting players to your clan costs money. To be precisely 100*level. So if you want to invite a level 50 to your clan, it will cost 5000 kudos to send the invitation.


Ancienne LV
indiquer cb vous avez de fric
ceux qui on le plus seront les premiers a être add au clan, afin que leur argent soit mis dans la caisse commune afin de recrut les autre


g dans les 8000 moi


jar jar, normalement je t ai envoye l invite, il a pas voulu pour aznar


merde vient de perdre 2K lol


Ancienne LV
snif le pc veut pas de moi :cry:
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