Quelques infos provenant du chan irc de l'équipe polonaise des Wilda (
http://www.wilda.pl/) - j'ai un peu nettoyé pour ne laisser que les infos les plus importantes
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> well the ranking is realy great
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> if you have a higher ranking you can unlock new weapons
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> but you can also switch off the ranking
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> well the unlocked weapons are not better
<KaoS|RainBow> What did you find most fun in the game?
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> most fun
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> is the assault engine and shooting system
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> it is more simillar to bf42
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> than to bfv
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> now you have to have good skills to kill someone
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> and the ranking system is a lot of fun
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> also the stats - they are great
<iTFn|Korva> better rank if yo u play lot?
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> they even show how long you have been playing with a kinfe

<KaoS|RainBow> So he appearently you have the commander mode that seems a bit fucked, but that can be switched off
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> to become a general in the rannking you have to play 7-8 months everyday for 3 hours
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> what army hmmm
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> each army has it advantages
<KaoS|RainBow> Like in weapons and vehicles
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> but i think the MEC

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the AK-101 is the best assault weapon in the game
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> my best proffesion is the medic
<KaoS|RainBow> Can the medic heal him self by the way?
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yes
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> you just have to lod the medic pack in your hands
<KaoS|RainBow> Seems a bit similiar to BF 1942 with medics and engineers
<KaoS|RainBow> How many different planes are there approximately?
<iTFn|Korva> medic got points when he medic someone?
<KaoS|RainBow> Yeah you get points for healing people
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yes you get points for healing
<KaoS|RainBow> And also if you drop ammo down and people pick it up you'll get points for it
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the eng. gets points for reparing and so on
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yes

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> about the planes
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> there is a MIG29
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> SU34
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> F35B
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> f15
<KaoS|RainBow> F15 damn fast plane
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> and the chinese one (i cant remember the name)
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the helis havent got big fire power
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> like it was in nam
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> now you have to have skills to destroy a tank from a heli and so on
<KaoS|RainBow> The Chinese only produce 1 plane of their on and in reality it reminds me about F-16 a bit slower though
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the fastest plane is the F35B
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> Joint Strike Fighter
<KaoS|RainBow> Any vehicles/planes/tanks you saw as having a bigger advantage than others? Like the Choppers in Bfv and tanks in BF 42
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> no
<iTFn|Korva> good one too
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yup

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the C4 is great

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> i love it
<KaoS|RainBow> Haha saw on the computer café you could throw at the enemies
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yup
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> you can easly throw the c4 and they just glue to the tanks jeep etc

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> and than you just switch to the detonator
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> and BOOM

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> 2 c4s destroy abrams and t-90
<KaoS|RainBow> Really nice, what about the maps where are they geographically suited?
<KaoS|RainBow> Middle east?
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> yes
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> some are in the middle east
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> some are in the chinese jungle
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> the maps are great

<KaoS|RainBow> Nice
<Wilda`BF2`Luki> remebers my info are only a preview

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> not a review

<Wilda`BF2`Luki> ok bye all
Autre information: les spécial ops sont toujours invisibles pour le commander enemi