This e-mail is to acknowledge the receipt of your e-mail by As there are many applications to go through, it
will be a number of days until you receive either an e-mail from letting you know that
you are now in beta, or a letter from letting you
know why you were not added to the beta (try to make sure e-mails from
neither of these addresses will not be blocked by spam filters, or you
might not get your acceptance e-mail!), typically around a week. Please
only resubmit your information if you need to correct information sent
in a previous e-mail.
Things to check in the meantime which will help ensure your acceptance:
1) Did you select the beta (Horizons or Horizons Europe) that you wish
to test from under "Request/Edit Assignments" in your profile at
2) Is your information in your profile at complete and
3) Did you write a reason that you would make a good betatester for
Horizons in your e-mail?
4) Did you specify which beta (Horizons or Horizons Europe), you wanted
to be selected for? If you have a request-to-test for both, and you do
not specify in your subject line which one you would prefer, you may be
added to the other. If you have not specified, it will be assumed that
the e-mail is for the US beta.
5) Did you write your letter from the e-mail associated with your
account on Or, did you include the username of the
account in your e-mail?
Thank you,
-Atari Betatest Administrator