:arrow: evanescence - "missing" & "solitude" & "my immortal"
:arrow: slipknot - "vermilion pt.2"
:arrow: seether - "broken"
:arrow: blink 182 - "adam's song"
:arrow: corneille - "seul au monde"
:arrow: fugees - "killing me softly"
:arrow: green day - "give me novocaine" & "boulevard of broken dreams"
:arrow: hoobastank - "what happened to us?" & "unaffected"
:arrow: john lennon - "imagine" (raaaah c'est vieux mais c'est beau!)
:arrow: linkin park - "crawling" & "pushing me away" & "my december"
:arrow: nirvana - "where did you sleep last night?"
:arrow: muse - "sing for absolution" & "blackout"
:arrow: placebo - "sleeping with ghosts" & "special needs" & "protect me from what i want" (version originale anglaise!) & "centrefolds"
:arrow: pleymo - "sommes-nous?"
:arrow: red hot chili peppers - "scar tissue" & "road trippin' "
:arrow: saez (la plupart des chansons, y'en a trop a cité

:arrow: et encore pleins, mais là j'en ai mare d'ecrire :shock:
EDIT: y'en a qui sont pas vraiment déprimante, mais qui me foutent dans un drole d'etat quand je les ecoute... donc :wink: