lol quel con que je suis!!!
hi hi hi
" Put the "ESF-Bot.dll" in your "esf\dlls" directory, then change the "liblist.gam" file (in notepad) in the "esf" directory so it says:
gamedll "dlls\ESF-Bot.dll"
instead of
gamedll "dlls\hl.dll"
Run the game with console (example: "C:\Games\Half-Life\hl.exe -console -game esf"), and in the game type "addbot" in the console (open console with '~'-key) to add a new bot to the game.
You can use "kick [Bot Name]" no brackets just the bot name case sensitive, to kick a bot.
NOTE: It is very important that the name of your ESF directory is "esf"! Otherwise the game will crash at startup!
Have fun!"