_Megalomaniiiac! Un chuette titre et une chuette videwo! :')
So, Morning View est probablement mon album préféré d'Incubus. Mon ex-ex aimait bien S.C.I.E.N.C.E. et voulait à touuut prix que j'y adhère mais non, rien n'y faisait, c'était MV, rien d'autre. <3
Quand ça n'va pas trop-trop, j'aime bien écouter le titre Mexico
"You could see me reaching.
So why couldn’t you have met me half way?
You could see me bleeding
And you would not put pressure on the wound.
You only think about youuurself.
You only think about yourseeelf!
You better bend before I gooo,
On the next train to Mexico.
You could see me breathing
And you still kept your hand over my mouth.
You could feel me seething.
But you just turned your nose up in the air.
You only think about youuurself.
You only think about yourseeelf!
You better bend before I gooo,
On the next train to Mexico."
Sinon, j'aime beaucoup les titres 11AM, Warning, Under My Umbrella et surtout Just A Phase!