-0ld cr0w a dit:
testé install et uninstall dans la foulee :?
ben oui je config mes touche , je regle la video etc je choisi un serveur et bing j entend la musique et les effets sonores mais ecran noir rien pas d image :? :? ma config peut etre
amd 2800 xp
512 ddr corsair
radeon 9200 128 ddr et ca marche pas :cry: :cry:
ATI Video Cards
At the time of writing, there are a number of known issues with
the Radeon 8500, 9000, and 9200 cards. Most can be fixed by installing the latest Catalyst drivers from the ATI website, version 4.5 or newer.
Some other issues are scheduled to be fixed with the Catalyst 4.7 drivers, which will be released shortly after the Joint Operations initial retail release date.
There is also a known issue with the ATI Radeon 9800, where the use of full scene anti-aliasing cannot be used in conjunction with frame effects set to high. Either setting alone is acceptable but not together.
C'est un extrait du fichier d'aide qu'on trouve quand on installe le jeu, en gros, tu dois mettre les derniers drivers si tu as une 9200 :wink: