Ptet que les moustiques sont pas assez aérodynamiques ? :-D
www.humour.com ?Quelqu'un a des liens concernant l'hypothétique destruction de la terre via le LHC, ca m'interesse![]()
T'as jamais vu Eliot le dragon ?Les scientifiques ont calculé le risque de la création d'un trou noir, il est égal à la possibilité de rencontrer un dragon :=)
We submitted this application to the European Court of Human Rights as we do not believe the scientists at CERN are taking all the precautions they should be in order to protect human life
CERN itself has admitted that mini black holes could be created when the particles collide(...)
My own calculations have shown that it is quite plausible that these little black holes survive and will grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside. I have been calling for CERN to hold a safety conference to prove my conclusions wrong but they have not been willing
Et vive le lobying :But the CERN facility is already facing a second lawsuit filed by environmentalists in Hawaii who are seeking a court order that would force the US government to intervene and delay the start up of the collider. That case is due to be heard on Tuesday.
A spokesman for the European Court of Human Rights confirmed the lawsuit had been lodged and the petition to obtain an emergency injunction against CERN was rejected. She said: "There will therefore be no bar to CERN carrying out these experiments but the applicants can continue with this case here at the ECHR."
Le risque de création d'un trou noir est presque de 100% ... maintenant la question est de savoir si il va s'éffondré sur lui même ou pas.Les scientifiques ont calculé le risque de la création d'un trou noir, il est égal à la possibilité de rencontrer un dragon :=)
le feu, ça brûle tu sais, tenter de le domestiquer, c'était loin d'être le risque 0 ... parfois, faut savoir en prendre ...Partisan du risque 0 , pour moi ce genre d'expérience ne devrait pas être approuvée.
Not destroyed yet
CERN spokesman and former research physicist James Gillies also pointed out that Earth is bathed with cosmic rays powerful enough to create black holes all the time, and the planet hasn't been destroyed yet.
"Still, let's assume that even if Hawking is a genius, he's wrong, and that such black holes are more stable," Landsberg said. Nearly all of the black holes will be traveling fast enough from the accelerator to escape Earth's gravity. "Even if you produced 10 million black holes a year, only 10 would basically get trapped, orbiting around its center," Landsberg said.
However, such trapped black holes are so tiny, they could pass through a block of iron the distance from the Earth to the Moon and not hit anything. They would each take about 100 hours to gobble up one proton.
At that rate, even if one did not take into account the fact that each black hole would slow down every time it gobbled up a proton, and thus suck down matter at an even slower rate, "about 100 protons would be destroyed every year by such a black hole, so it would take much more than the age of universe to destroy even one milligram of Earth material," Landsberg concluded. "It's quite hard to destroy the Earth."
If the Large Hadron Collider does create black holes, not only will it prove that extra dimensions of the universe exist, but the radiation that decaying black holes emit could yield clues that help finally unite all the current ideas about the forces of nature under a "theory of everything."
Aujourd'hui mon fils, nous allons mourrir...Youpiiiii ca fera des choses à raconter à nos gosses ! (ou pas)