:-D La Fiora... je vous laisse devine quelle nationalité
Nidalee [00:00:22] go mid tris plz
Garen [00:00:22] mid?
Fiora [00:00:27] lol
Fiora [00:00:29] i mid
Teemo [All] [00:00:45] hf
Garen [All] [00:00:47] trolol team
Garen [All] [00:00:52] h fail g loose
Nidalee [All] [00:00:54] gl hf
Nautilus [00:00:58] /
Fiora [All] [00:01:10] but epic pro garen from belgium so we will win...
Fiora [00:01:33] franchement amis belges
Fiora [00:01:41] c quoi cette merde de nouvelle map 33
Fiora [00:01:45] c dégueulasse
Garen [00:02:00] yep
Nidalee [00:02:06] tu est aussi belge
Fiora [All] [00:03:36] EPIC SS TOP OMG
Fiora [00:03:55] JAI FAILLI Y PASS2 BORDEL
Fiora [00:04:26] ss
Fiora [All] [00:07:03] ---ù TURRET DMG..
Fiora [All] [00:07:09] ---%
Fiora [00:07:36] pro nauti omg
Garen [All] [00:08:03] gj
Garen [All] [00:08:06] we suk
Fiora [00:09:48] ss top epic
Fiora [All] [00:10:00] report top lane for intentional feeding and no ss plz
Fiora [00:10:27] franchement vous qualifier de merde c trop dhonneur
Fiora [00:11:31] O LES ATARDES DU TOP
Garen [All] [00:11:33] ahhhhh
Fiora [00:11:34] DITES SS PUTIN
Garen [00:11:39] ss
Fiora [All] [00:11:46] -1 turret mid ty top !
Tristana [00:12:05] lee sin aren't top, lee sin are jungler
Garen [All] [00:12:19] gift sday thx
Garen [All] [00:12:23] aaahhh
Garen [All] [00:12:50] trolroloooooo
Fiora [00:13:02] jen ai plus rien a battre
Fiora [00:13:09] vous etes de la merde on a ramassé a cause de vous
Nautilus [All] [00:13:22] report fiora pls
Fiora [00:13:27] fo arreter lleague of pour jouer comme ca
Nautilus [All] [00:13:27] insulte
Nidalee [00:13:51] haineusze de merde
Fiora [All] [00:13:53] lol top lane feed flame and be useless what could i do? say thx? they come from belgium..........
Fiora [All] [00:15:48] no help............. dat pro team they ping then leave me alone
Teemo [All] [00:15:51] feed jungler

Nautilus [00:15:53] tg
Fiora [00:16:02] mais je baise tes morts sale fils de chienne
Nautilus [00:16:07] tg
Fiora [00:16:09] tu feed tu sais pas jouer tu as baisé la partie
Fiora [00:16:12] a tout le monde
Nautilus [00:16:15] tg
Fiora [00:16:16] car t un gros conar consanguin
Nautilus [00:16:19] tg
Fiora [00:16:27] tas 7 doigts par main car papa et maman son frere et soeur?
Fiora [00:16:43] pauvre merde
Nidalee [00:16:51] tabmere toi tg
Nautilus [00:16:55] moi tkt pas qui va etre report
Fiora [00:16:58] wow ca c dla répartyie
Fiora [00:17:01] sale fils de pute
Fiora [00:17:13] si les juges sont fr je suis pas inquietesq
Nautilus [00:17:16] insulte bonne idée
Fiora [00:17:21] insulté un belge c pas pire kinsulteer son chien
Nautilus [00:17:28] vasy
Fiora [All] [00:19:12] nautilus watch me die again and dont help.......
Fiora [All] [00:19:17] report plz.........
Taric [All] [00:19:41] lol
Taric [All] [00:19:44] gj nida
Nautilus [All] [00:19:59] haha gj
Nautilus [All] [00:20:15] report fira pls

Nautilus [All] [00:20:19] fiora
Fiora [All] [00:20:22] cant win with such a team
Fiora [All] [00:20:28] nauti is tooo low
Nautilus [All] [00:20:34] insulte noob
Fiora [00:20:49] mùais je baise tes morts je t dit
Fiora [00:20:53] t kun belge mon gars
Fiora [00:20:56] a peine digne de vivre
Fiora [00:21:19] pays de tocard fini tous raciste p ôint de pas etre daccord pour le gouvernement mdr
Fiora [00:21:22] des animaux
Garen [All] [00:21:22] gj lee
Lee Sin [All] [00:21:41]

Lee Sin [All] [00:21:48] i tkink u die
Lee Sin [All] [00:21:52] think*
Teemo [All] [00:22:11] surrender_
Taric [All] [00:22:24] ty $$
Taric [All] [00:22:31]

Garen [00:22:57] together
Fiora [00:23:14] --- dont push omg
Fiora [00:23:27] y a ke d belges poru push la
Taric [All] [00:23:46] gj

Garen [All] [00:23:55] report fora please
Fiora [All] [00:23:57] we loose but hey push....
Nautilus [All] [00:23:57] report fiora
Nautilus [All] [00:24:02] XD very noob
Teemo [All] [00:24:07] gg
Fiora [All] [00:24:09] like in the comics all belgium guys are retarded
Lee Sin [All] [00:24:11] gg
Taric [All] [00:24:11] gg
Garen [All] [00:24:13] please rpeort her she insult
Garen [All] [00:24:14] gg asy