Vieux Squatteur
ca c est les qooxe, composés de 2belges et de 3 neerlandaisquickfacts about Lille-Eurolan:
-> yes we did drive for hours and hours due to traffic and arrive very late in the evening
-> yes we slept 2hours that night and then had to wake up because we had to play a so called cs match
-> yes 5 hours later we still hadn't played...
-> yes in the both matches we played we had choke/high ping/network down/...
-> yes we took over 4hours to play 2clans on 1map
-> yes organisation sucked, network failed every so often and yes the building was nice
-> no we didn't have any fights with nobody
-> no QooXe isn't your random be/nl clan who needs to do major changes after a loss, looks at *.*, we are going on as normal
-> no there isn't anyone on irc who knows the so called true facts, only people who were there know them, and these are listed above
-> no Lille organisation didn't speak one word of English (*)
more news coming up but i am HUNGRY and TIRED after hours and hours and hours and hours of french whine.
(*) some people helped lille-eurolan and did speak english and they helped us alot too,
I am very grateful towards Nino and his little bold buddyAlso Tezk needs a big thx from us,
to bad u guys werent the big bosses :'(
...povre de eux.....
jles pleins