Ma sélection retro house (ce que je joue avec plaisir pour mettre l'ambiance quoi)
Jones & stephenson - the first rebirth
Marco bayley - snif (incontournable)
Plexus - cactus rythm
robert armani - hit hard (incontournable)
Public energy - 303 (ou three'o'three)

daft punk - rollin'n'scratchin'
commander tom - are am eye
da hool - meet her at the love parade (un remix long)
DJ Phil Rodriguez - Tribute
DJ Youri - Fuck On Cocaine
Duma - Cocaine
DJ_MISJAH_ - _KEEP_YOUR_LOVE (DJ LeTho's favourite song ever)
Dye Witness - What Would You Like To Hear Again
Emmanuel Top - Acid Phase (obligé !!)
Energy 52 - Café Del Mar
Lambda - Hold On Tight (plaisir à mixer)
Mental Refreshment - Acid Pulse
Methadon - Synthetic Fruits (gros rythme !)
Mory Klein - Kick That Bass (plus dance, mais parfois pour l'ambiance)
Niels Van Gogh - Pulverturm
Powell - I Am Ready (puissant !!)
The Operator - This Is The Ultimate (des basses de fou)
The Montini Experience - Astrosyn
Speedy J - Pullover (classique quoi)
Thunderball - Bonzai Channel One (no comment

Twister - Metamorphosis Of Narcotics
V Tracks - Subway 26
Vicious Delicious-Hocus Pocus
Westbam - Mayday anthem
Yves Deruyter - Rave City (Cherry Mix)
etc etc etc ...