MAJ a faire avec le client officiel. Reste a voir si le persister fonctionne toujours ...
EDIT : j'ai pensé à le faire car impossible de se connecter au serveur.
En gros pour les non-anglophones, c'est une maj full multi ( yeah )... Le serveur sauve ton inventaire ( yeah, plus de triche...
), il sauve les coffres ( super yeah ), ta situation sur la map ( yeah ), l'ajout de monstres possible ( yeah ), et la correction de quelques bugs 
Il va bosser pour sécuriser l'inventaire et permettre de taper les monstres et les joueurs.
Et pour TQZ
EDIT : j'ai pensé à le faire car impossible de se connecter au serveur.
The Seecret Friday part ended up being extremely tiny this time around, but that’s because I made sure to add this:
+ Added server-side inventory
+ Made the server save player locations when they leave the server
+ Made chests work in SMP
+ Made signs work in SMP
+ Made furnaces work in SMP
+ Added monsters=false to You can turn it on for experimental monsters, but you can’t hurt them directly yet. (Fire works, though!)
But this is NOT SECURE YET! I decided to just focus on making it functional first so I actually got it out.
I’ll work on inventory security and server-side health management next week. Server-side health means you’ll be able to fight monsters and perhaps even other players.![]()
En gros pour les non-anglophones, c'est une maj full multi ( yeah )... Le serveur sauve ton inventaire ( yeah, plus de triche...
Il va bosser pour sécuriser l'inventaire et permettre de taper les monstres et les joueurs.
Et pour TQZ
Minecraft Alpha Server 0.2.1, fixing the tool bug
I just uploaded a fixed server (no client update) that tries to fix the tool use bug. It seems to work here with my own tests, both for tools in the first slot and other slots.
You’ll need to re-download the server software from to apply this update. And I need to make the server auto-update if it’s running in online mode.