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Breath of the Wild embodies the freedom and danger that made the first Zelda game so enthralling, and captures the feeling of awe that came when Ocarina of Time hit the scene, in this case by layering unspoken variables into seemingly every facet of the game. Based on our early impressions, it's safe to say that Breath of the Wild will forever change what people expect from the series.
The Verge
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Its more open nature not only creates a sense that you’re really on a grand adventure, but also makes the world feel more dangerous and unpredictable. You aren’t told how the world works; you discover it. There’s a sense of dynamism that I haven’t experienced in a Zelda game before. While wandering the forest I’ve found myself rescuing travelers from monster attacks, and accidentally stumbling upon a crew of moblins hunting boar. I’ve accidentally sent a massive boulder rolling down a mountain, bashing against trees and critters on its way down. Though small, these moments provide a nice balance to a series that has for some time felt intensely scripted. The world feels alive, like it would continue with or without me.
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It's too early to make a judgment, but five hours is enough to convince me that I'm going to spend ten times that — and possibly more — uncovering every inch of this magical world.
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While the game was originally in development as a Wii U exclusive, it looks notably improved on the Nintendo Switch. The highly stylised look is gorgeous, and the game world offers a phenomenal depth of detail. Areas of attraction glitter in the distance, and there's rarely anything you can't get to once it's caught your eye.
It may be a very different Zelda, but it's shaping up to be one of the best ever.
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Five hours in, it feels like a contender for the strongest game Nintendo has launched a console with since Super Mario 64. If you weren't thinking about playing it before now, I implore you to reconsider that thought.
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We’re doing our best to find faults here but the truth is we’re hugely impressed. We already know some things we can’t talk about here, and other secrets that have been hinted to us by Nintendo. At this stage we’d shocked if this didn’t turn out to be the best Zelda since Ocarina Of Time. It may even surpass it, and since many still regard that as the best video game ever made it becomes almost impossible to overstate just how good Breath Of The Wild is.
le GOTY, que dis-je, le BGE est là !