Ten hut soldiers!
We’ve got plenty to talk about this week, so sit down and stay sharp! First and foremost the 1.31 patch has been released. We also have a sound configuration guide that should help those of you that have been experiencing sound difficulties out there on the battlefield. Now, let’s discuss what we’ve addressed in the patch:
Network/Server Fixes
We fixed a crash in co-op mode when restarting the map – this crash was known to occur right after a map switch
We removed the default Remote Admin Password for servers – there was a default password in place that could be used as an exploit
We changed the object collision system to prevent exploits involving players hiding inside of objects – more widely known as the “Coral Sea” bug
Client Fixes
We locked out an exploit to prevent users from seeing through walls.
Sound Fixes
We modified several attributes of the sound system to provide better sound performance. If you still experience problems, be sure to consult our guide below.
With the release of the 1.31 patch, BFHQ has decided to kick down some intel that should help you get your audio up to snuff. If for some reason this guide doesn’t solve your sound problems, try adjusting the in game audio settings until you find a combination that gives you the best performance.
General Tips
Make sure you have the latest sound drivers installed for your card. If you have trouble with this, consult the documentation that came with the device.
If you card is not listed below, try adjusting the in game audio settings until you get a mix that gives the best performance.
Sound Blaster Audigy/Audigy 2
Get updated drivers here.
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, High sound detail, Hardware acceleration enabled.
Sound Blaster Live
Get updated drivers here.
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, High sound detail, Hardware acceleration disabled.
Experiment with different channel settings until you find the best performance
Sound Blaster PCI 512
Get updated drivers here.
Try using the following in game settings - 44khz sounds, High sound detail, Hardware acceleration enabled.
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Cards
Get updated drivers Get updated drivers here.
Try using the following in game settings - 22khz sounds, High sound detail, Hardware acceleration enabled.
AC 97 Sound
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, Medium sound detail, 32 Channels.
Hercules Sound
Get updated drivers Get updated drivers here.
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, High sound detail, Hardware acceleration enabled.
Cmedia Audio
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, High sound detail, 64 channels.
Sound Max
Try using the following in game settings – 44khz sounds, Medium sound detail, 32 Channels.
Sois complet, veux-tu ?