Ton futur ex beau père
C'est un jeu ubisoft einh. Faut arrêter, ça reste de la merde d'un point de vue optimisation.+-15% superieur à la SeX, pour un jeu promu sur Xbox
Beyond performance matters, it's pretty clear that Assassin's Creed Valhalla still needs a lot of work - especially on Xbox platforms. We encountered plenty of bugs playing this game: in addition to some weird performance bottlenecks on Series consoles, we also noted that camera motion doesn't update with a linear relationship to frame-rate during cutscenes, meaning some ugly looking stutter even with the engine actually running flat-out at 60fps (PS5 is fine here).
However, the key takeaway is that PlayStation 5 is much closer to the 60fps target more of the time, while Xbox Series X can struggle. In fact, at its worst, we noted PS5 delivering a 15 per cent performance advantage over its Microsoft equivalent in identical scenarios