[Starcraft II] Aide, Conseils, Tactiques


Duratec powa!
Yes, ca recommence demain a 10h10 jusque 14h


Noir à lunettes
parfait, j'ai cours de 10h à 15h :[] :[] :[]


Duratec powa!
ITS LIVE :love:


Duratec powa!
Yeah Leenock reprend une game après 2 excellente partie de Mc. Cho Cho. J'ai bien aimer le taunt avec l'infestor :) :)


Duratec powa!
Donc bye Leenock, et à mon avis bye Polt, vu comment MVP joue.. il est entrain de le poOtrer. Mc vs DRG et MVP vs MMA ... nice .. :cool:


Duratec powa!
Oui et surtout il y'a cette "guerre" entre lui et NesTea.. il s'est fait super mal voir par les coréeens. Ils lui ont maintenant refuser une place en Code S si il en gagnait une ;)


Duratec powa!


During MLG Providence, a rivalry formed between NaNiwa and NesTea. NesTea had previously defeated NaNiwa 2-1 in the BlizzCon 2011 StarCraft II Invitational, but NaNiwa returned the favor, defeating NesTea 2-1 when they met again during the 2011 MLG Global Invitational final. In an interview after that game, NaNiwa commented about a seemingly quick drone pull NesTea made during their 3rd game: "I thought that he would do some smart shit, [...], I thought he was that genius but apparently he's just an idiot. What he did made no sense."[38]. When NesTea heard of these comments he was reportedly very angry and ready to "destroy NaNiwa".[39] Later, when they met in the Championship Winners' Bracket Quarter Final, they both played aggressively, including a 3rd game cannon rush. NaNiwa won the match 2-1, and cameras showed a clearly angry NesTea along with Naniwa thumbs-downing his opponent as he left his player booth. In twitter posts and a later interview, NaNiwa stated that he was "caught up in the moment" and "didn't mean any disrespect". He also stated: "He showed he is a very smart player, obviously, since he won 3 GSLs. He can't be stupid."[40]

When NaNiwa went back to Korea to participate in the Blizzard Cup, mentioning his rivalry a few times in various interviews, saying "I hope Nestea can stop being angry".[41][42] On the second day of the tournament, when NaNiwa and NesTea were scheduled to play, both players were down 0-3 in their group before playing each other. Since they were both already be out of the tournament, NaNiwa decided to a-move his probes to Nestea's base, where he quickly lost them to the drones.[43] This sparked heavy controversy about NaNiwa's professionalism.[44][45] In addition to this intense amount of drama, NaNiwa's actions caused GOM to revoke his Code S spot.[46]

Voila, tout est expliquer ici sur Liquipedia.

Juste pour ca, je l'ai jamais apprécier. C'est un pochtron ce type :-9


Noir à lunettes
Bah rien qu'à le voir parler ou même juste sa tête on capte direct que c'est un gros mongol :[]


Duratec powa!
Quand je vois un P qui fait une FFE, je prend direct B3 rapidement pour contrer. Je me prend à chaques fois un violent push de zealot sentry stalker avec le +1 d'attaque. Je sort roach + gling mais j'arrive jamais à tenir. Que faire? Rester sur 2 bases mais produire plus?

Roach + Hydra rapidement au lieu des gling? :-(


Duratec powa!
DRG Kills MC! Belles game, j'pense que si MC avait pas fait son bullshit mothership carrier, il aurait pu win :oops:


Chaud patate en Terran now!
j'arrive enfin à gérer le TvT et moyennement le TvP :-D

Par contre les mauvaises habitudes de Z où tu attends le 200 et les 70 drones, ça m'est resté, je suis pas encore assez agressif :-(

Si y'en a qui veulent s'entraîner contre un T (niveau top gold-plat) je suis dispo ces temps-ci.


Jaedong Jr
Ce soir on peut faire quelques games, y'a les nouvelles maps qui sont disponibles pour la prochaine saison, on pourra essayer ça en plus :).


Qu'est-ce qui est mieux qu'un canal de Nydus ? 4 CANAUX DE NYDUS !

J'adore quand je fais ca :cool:


Duratec powa!
WE ARE DIAMONDS :love: :oops: