tu as déjà le jeu ?
Depuis le 18 aout

(et déjà testé quelques fois avant)
Je parie que certains vont essayer de faire des trucs comme Goldorak, Ulyss31,....
Vivement le 1... il serait temps que je lise des articles sur ce jeu.
@Goforce : tu as un bon lien qui décrit ce jeu, sur ce que l'on pourra faire,...
Bah on on est pas sensé en parler donc non pas encore
Ca m'étonne de pas voir plus de leaks vidéo/screen xd
On est passé de la version à la avec une maj de ~13Go.
Allé comme certains aiment les leaks ..., le patchnote
Performance and Stability Fixes
- Improved stability related to suspending and resuming the game. (Xbox Series X/S)
- Fixed rare crash that could occur when viewing the credits after completing the game.
- Fixed crash that could appear when repeatedly loading some saves inside of ships.
- Various stability and performance improvements.
Visual Fixes
- Fixed an issue where sometimes hair would not appear on characters.
- Improved distant object appearance when transitioning to the surface of a planet.
- Addressed an issue that sometimes caused face animations to move abruptly.
- Fixed an issue where rarely in certain views white flashing boxes could appear in the Handscanner.
- Fixed an issue that would cause an undesirable texture blend near the coastline.
- Fixed an issue that would cause textures to degrade unnecessarily. (Xbox Series S)
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause Companions to float in the air.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some ship modules to become misaligned.
- Fixed some issues that would prevent touch-down points from turning red in Ship Builder.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player to appear incorrectly when equipping items.
- Addressed an issue that could prevent the Isolation skill from behaving as intended.
- Adjusted the distance the player is able to access and store cargo in their ship.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause a long delay on the Press any button screen.
Quest Fixes
- Fixed rare issue that could cause ship patrols not to appear for “First to Fight, First to Die.”
- Addressed a rare issue where the Contraband scan would not occur potentially preventing landing at New Atlantis.
- Fixed an unlikely issue that could prevent landing at New Atlantis during “Deep Cover.”
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Heat Leeches from counting as killed after completing “A Legacy Forged.”
- Fixed how a location would appear near a hidden Earth landmark.
- Fixed a rare issue that could potentially trap the player in The Facility.
- Addressed an infrequent issue where a Spacer Ship didn’t correctly appear for a radiant quest.
- Fixed an unlikely issue that could appear during “Revelation” depending on how the player interacted with the Emissary.
- Addressed an issue with the Deimos Slim bottom ship module that is used on the Razorleaf.
- Fixed rare issue that could prevent companions from accompanying the player after “No Sudden Moves”.
- Addressed a rare issue that could impact “Power from Beyond.”
Plus que 3 jours : )
Le rapport cout/fps reste imbattable sur ta Series X en 4k
11,7 euro le FPS en 4K qui dit mieux ?
Le jeu sera nettement mieux sur series x a moins d'avoir des PC avec 2080 Ti - 3080 - 4070 - 6800 XT - 7700 XT minimum + cpu 8 coeurs 5XXX/7XXX ou 12XXX/13XXX.
Et le 30fps c'est seulement à la release, ça va être unlock avec le VRR.
Pour ceux qui ont une LG OLED récente suffit d'activer le BFI ... ou comment avoir la sensation d'avoir 60fps+ tout en rendant l'image nettement plus nette !
Starfield fonctionne bien sur la steam deck et le rog ally. (merci le FSR)
Le FSR3 pourrait arriver après la release du jeu