View profile #1) Drops suck, and they suck bad. Anyone arguing otherwise is suspect. It drains the fun out of the game. Blame it on me using the auction house if you want, in the end the drops are bad. In the last hundred or so hours of playing I farmed act 3 to death, filling both characters inventories and 3 pages of my stash with unid ilvl 63 rares multiple times. I came away with nothing noteworthy. This was done with my character at 250%mf or above the entire duration. In the end, I didn't want to pick anything up at all...
#2) Builds suck, and they suck bad. It is 95% gear. Once you hit a certain point late into your playing, you are left with very few builds that are effective and efficient. I haven't wanted to touch my barb in a long time because unless I play as a ww barb I know I am selling myself short in the farming department.
#3) Magic find. Seriously, what the hell? I have played with high levels of magic find since release and all I can say is nephalem valor strangely seems to trump it. If I was farming inferno with maxed or near-maxed mf and coming away with garbage 99.9% of the time I can only imagine what others must feel like who play with less. It's a never-ending letdown, with few exceptions.
#4) Boss fights. They are counterproductive. Beat an inferno boss, find an ilvl 51 item. Yay. Is this Diablo?
#5) The artistic direction. It feels like WoW. I find it somewhat insulting to both my tastes and expectations of the franchise. It feels like a saturday morning cartoon. Most monsters look like they could be Pokemon. The only thing I like are the effects, which leads me to another issue...
#6) In a 4 player game, when the heat is on, I can't tell half the time where my mouse pointer is, or what my character is doing, or where the frozen/arcane spawns are, until it's too late. I have this problem playing on a decent 42" lcd screen and sitting 2-3' from it. It's nice to see all the pretty lights and explosions, but to use a tired cliche, this isn't a Michael Bay movie, it's Diablo. It's also funny/sad, because the spells feel so much less effective than Diablo 2.
#7) No necromancer? Instead we get the witch doctor? I know it is a personal preference, but c'mon. He was by far my favorite character, and many others feel the same way. The witch doctors spells also seem silly to me compared to the necromancers. Skeletons and golems vs. bears and bottled spiders? No contest.

Speaking of characters, why only 5? I have read somewhere that an employee of the company stated they had no plans for an expansion at this time. Well, Diablo 2+LoD had 7 characters. Why do we have LESS than before? Was there not enough time? Was there not enough creativity? Did they think less would be more due to the millions upon millions of builds we have to pick from? No excuse in my book. None at all.
#9) The music. Actually, almost any audio this game produces. It's all amateur. It ruins the atmosphere, and that is where the audio matters most. Don't get me started on the voice acting, which will segue into my next point nicely.
#10) The story. This is totally unacceptable. Who wrote this? Who approved of it? Fire them. I'm insulted by it to be honest.
#11) Online only. Good job with this one. If you thought I was going to forget the release of this game, joke is on you, I remember. Now, any game released by this company will not be purchased by me anywhere near its release. I can and will wait. Another point in this category is that I played Diablo 2 more than any other game ever, and 99% of the time I was playing it offline by myself or many times in a lan. Not this game though.
#12) Attaching real money to the game. This one is controversial to me. On the one hand I have made over a thousand dollars from my time playing the game. On the other hand, once I started making money in the game, it lost most of it's appeal as a game and became more like a job. That sucks. Way to commercialize.
#13) The game director. I am not a fan. I'm a Detroit Lions fan, and we had a similar situation. The guys name was Matt Millen. We got rid of him a few years ago. Now look at the lions, they went from the worst season in NFL history to the playoffs. Amazing what getting rid of bads in power can do for a team.
#14) Acts. What is the point of playing acts 1, 2, and 4 in inferno? Where is the incentive? How did you not see this coming?
#15) Progression. I start the game with a world of possibilities, many things to look forward to, many paths to take. As a character hits around level 30-40, everything changes. Builds start to wither, methods become ineffective. In the end I feel less powerful than when I was playing normal, I feel like I have less options, and the options I do have involve buying gear, which at that point becomes too expensive to afford. When upgrades cost tens or hundreds of millions in gold, but I am nowhere near satisfied with what I currently have, it sucks.
#16) Why are most lines of dialogue in the game lies? Or at least false? My character, all the bosses, many npc's, they all are wrong when they open their mouth. Except maybe ZK, but then he gets his head bashed in by us anyway. If the goal was to make everyone seem like an idiot then it was a success. Azmodan takes the cake here for sure.
These are the things I can come up with off the top of my head. Anyway, I am cashing out, selling all my pieces of gear, and not looking back. Overall I had fun, and in the end the game paid me to play, and paid quite well, but in hindsight, this game is a 6/10 at best.
It can be fixed in the future, sure, but I am an old school gamer. I expect a finished product when I purchase the game, not in the future at some unknown time, with descriptors of "soon." When Blizzard used to say "soon" it meant they were adding awesomeness to the game to exceed expectations. Now "soon" is a cop-out they use as they try to figure out what the hell they are doing. It's a damn shame, and one I will not forget. Neither will anyone who feels similar, I hope, for the sake of quality gaming, now and in the future.
Peace out.
Forgot to add my favorite part of the game. By far it was the forum. More entertaining than the game. Truly an accomplishment to be noted.
ce post de rage <3