top 100 dans la derniere 1 hour blamt :[]
Gratz Ca veut dire quoi les 7 étoiles d'or exactement?http://exilestats.com/event.php?c=5&v=100&id=661
13eme duelist :[]
http://exilestats.com/event.php?c=5&v=25&id=665Gratz Ca veut dire quoi les 7 étoiles d'or exactement?
hey faggot, how about finding a host that actually keeps your site up for more than 5 minutes out of the day you piece of shit? really, how many fucking donations have you received, and you can't spend maybe 5-10$ more per month to keep your site running properly? every fucking time i come to your piece of shit site its always lagged out. takes 3 hours to load after i click a link. actually it ends up not loading the page at all. are you a fucking retard? yes you are and this is the reason why i use poe xyz. its always up and running because they have a proper host and the search functions are just easier and better. get fucked faggot