J'espère que Polt va remonter en finale histoire de revoir un bon vieux Stephano - Polt :-D
Is there a player you like?
Yes. Stephano. I really like him.
Watching his games, he execute the plays that I would like to do. The kind of plays that I've drawn up in my mind, he uses them a lot in his games.
Also, he's a foreigner, and that was also very impressive. To think that someone who's not Korean could play like that was fascinating, and I thought it was very attractive.
Clairement, c'est comme si Messi disait qu'il est fan de ta façon de jouer quoiWhen Jaedong likes you, you know you're doing it right.
wtf :-DTillou, j'ai un petit BO spécialement conçu pour toi qui t'attend :-D
Mauvais topic mec, mais bravo quand memevoila j ai eux Belial en solo avec mon DH
EZ Diam's, go master.Je suis diams
J'ai pas pu voir les matchLooooool STephano qui ridiculise PartinG
Il a de la moule, il se choppera encore un toss après
izi pizyJ'ai pas pu voir les matchbien?