1. Delete your Interface and WTF folder in your World of Warcraft folder.
2. Copy the folders WTF, Fonts and Interface from "PhotekUIv03" to your World of Warcraft folder.
3. Open the WTF folder, go into the Account folder and rename "YOURACCOUNTNAME" to whatever your accountname is.
If you are a caster, rename the "YOURACCOUNTNAME(caster)" folder to your account name, if you are melee, rename
the "YOURACCOUNTNAME(melee)" to your account name. You may delete the other folder, or just leave it if you wish.
4. Go to the next folder and rename the folder "YOURSERVERNAME" to your servers folder and enter that folder and
change "YOURCHARACTERNAME" to your characters name folder.
5. If you are playing mage, copy the folder(s) from the folder named "01. Mage Specific into your Interface\Addons
folder. If you are a warrior, copy the folder(s) from the folder named "02. Warrior Specific into your
Interface\Addons folder (none used at the moment).
6. Change the info on your character selection screen Addon Panel (left bottom corner) to load out of date addons
and put memory size to 48MB.
7. Once you enter the game things might be a little off. To start with, the UI scale should be set to 0.7 (will be
automatically if you are using my Config.wtf file)
8. Now we will set up DAB, DUF and DART. With the commands /dab, /duf, /dart you will in each of these go into
"Misc Options" and load the profiles called PhotekUI v.3. For Discord ActioN Bars the choice is obvious, if
you are a caster, you load the PhotekUI3 Mage, if you are melee, you load the PhotekUI3 Warrior.
9. Satrina buff has been removed and replaced with a much cooler looking CT_Mod Buff Style [color]. To set it up
the CT_Mod Control Panel button is near your minimap, and the buff frames can be configured from there. I personally
use the "Simple" layout, but you may choose as you please.
10.If timestamps arent enabled, they can be enabled from the same CT_Mod Control Panel button, together with CT_Viewport,
Scrolling Combat Text and Scrolling Combat Text Damage.
11.TitanPanel on bottom, right click on it to load my Profile (doesnt matter which one).
12.Hotkeys can be toggled from either Discord Action Bars setup (/dab) or from your keybindings in the default menu.
13.If you are caster; Open up eCastingBar with /ecb and load the PhotekUI3 settings to get it correct.
14.Adapt is used to animate the Unit Frames, if it looks incorrect type /adapt square to correct it.
Metter me dossier WTF(caster)